GiGstreem Has Something to Say about the Internet as a Commodity Debate
What if Internet Service Providers could regulate the websites you could see. What if they could legally keep you from accessing your favorite sites or slow the speed down for those sites alone? This is the core of the Net Neutrality debate. Net Neutrality is the system of laws that keep the internet a level playing field. It prevents larger ISPs from being able to buy their way to faster speeds over smaller companies.
Where Net Neutrality Currently Stands
As of October 11, 2018, Net Neutrality is on hold. Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, led the coalition to reverse 2015 Net Neutrality laws, closing the door on an Open Internet, and opening the possibility of more control over what we view, how we view it, and how much we will pay for viewing the content we use daily.
The good news is that in April of 2019, the House aimed to restore Net Neutrality in the form of the Save the Internet Act. This bill passed in the House of Representatives and is moving on to the Senate floor for further debate.

What Does Internet as a Commodity Means for the Consumer?
First, let’s define ‘commodity.’ It is a term used that basically means that you can get the same thing from various competing providers. Milk, for instance, is a commodity. You can get it from any store you shop at. But the price will vary based on supply and demand; after all, the stores still needs to make a profit. This is especially true of convenience stores. They usually purchase their milk from a larger store, then raise the price so they can make a profit on the ‘convenience’ factor.
In the case of the internet, providers vary in how and where you are connected. And just like the milk, this interacts with pricing based on the same supply and demand theory. So, when treated as a commodity, if someone was willing to pay enough, they can get the same internet from anywhere.
Before the FCC repeal, Internet Service Providers were treated much like electricity and water companies. Meaning that everyone received the same product, and it could not be restricted by the company providing it. A person living in a multi-million-dollar home got the same water as the one living in a suburb one-bedroom apartment. Yes, prices vary, but everyone received the same flow into their homes. Net Neutrality is what kept the internet under the same restrictions: Everyone had equal access.
GiGstreem is Not a Commodity Service
Now that the internet is treated as a commodity instead of a utility, larger ISPs can basically get paid by companies to have access to priority traffic preferences. It gives them an upper hand and provides internet “fast lanes” for certain websites that pay for this preferential treatment.
Now, unless the House bill passes, the internet will be controlled by a monopoly; he who pays the most wins.
Internet service is at a critical point. Currently, the open internet as we know it is collapsing. If the rules continue to shift through legislation, then how you access the internet, and mainly how much you pay to access your favorite sites, will continue to see dramatic changes. What is needed is the House bill to pass in the Senate, thus reversing the FCCs ruling of ending Net Neutrality.
GiGstreem is not a commodity or utility!
- We don’t change our pricing
- We are not forced to charge extra fees
- We offer concierge level customer service and dedicated technicians
- Our network is a fiber-microwave hybrid to ensure a more reliable
- We offer 10 GiGabit speeds
- No don’t throttle your speeds
- We have no data caps
We are strongly in favor of Net Neutrality. We strive for everyone having the same access to the world wide web. There is no preferential treatment for certain sites or for specific customers. We do not believe in providing ‘fast lanes’ for certain sites. You can rest assured that getting your email will be treated just as equal to streaming your favorite shows on Netflix.
In addition to the immense benefit of a truly high-speed internet connection, GiGstreem offers a symmetrical connection. This means that your download speed is equal to your upload speed. Most companies have a connection that is asymmetrical or lopsided. A strong connection depends on constant and fluid communication between the site and your location. A lopsided connection causes lag, resulting in constant buffering and slow load times. GiGstreem’s symmetrical connection speed allows you to say goodbye to lag time.
Finally, with GiGstreem, you never have to experience ‘throttled back’ speeds during peak hours. Many companies will slow speeds when there are many users online, to allow more traffic. They will also cut back on your speed when you near your data cap. As we mentioned earlier, GiGstreem has no data caps, and you will never experience ‘throttled’ speeds. We can do this because, while all the other companies are fighting the bandwidth on existing internet lines, we have our own dedicated lines, thus providing a more reliable, stable connection.
The Final Word
While other internet companies are fighting each other to get to a place where their services are a cut above the rest, GiGstreem is already there. When you live in a GiGstreem building, you have dedicated support staff for that residential or business structure. This concierge service comes with your internet package. We have no additional fees, and once you sign up for service, your rate is guaranteed for as long as you remain a customer.
We believe in a free and open internet that has no restrictions on the content you rely on daily. And even if legislation is not passed that protects the internet, we will continue to provide the excellent service our customers have grown to love. You can become a loyal customer too.
To learn more about our residential services, visit our home services page, or give us a call at 800-747-1830. Our service agents are ready to assist you.