Is Home Internet Prepared for the Summer Months?

We have nearly made it through half of another year. It seems we have just begun, and now Summertime is upon us. June has traditionally been a month where individuals and families make life decisions. Children grow up, become adults, and go off to college; Parents left behind may consider downsizing to save money. Adults could also move around with this new season with job changes. With all the status realignment, other needs shift, namely internet service during the Summertime. This is when the need for an internet service provider arises that is dependable, affordable, and fast.
What is Different About Internet in the Summertime?
As we have mentioned, internet service needs during the summertime change. Even if one does not have graduates leaving home, they may have younger children home all day. This will quickly cause internet usage to increase. Between simple surfing internet pages to internet gaming, service will require a fast and stable internet connection. Tenants and prospective tenants seek to have a strong connection, and you want to provide it to keep them happy.
How Can GiGHome Internet Benefit Communities?
One item on a move-in checklist is internet access. New tenants expect hassles with getting installation completed; it comes with the territory of moving. However, once a building is set up for GiGstreem internet service during the Summertime, it is set up for life. All a new tenant has to do is call and subscribe for service. You have just made their life and move in that much easier. Another way tenants will enjoy their new home more is through Community-wide WiFi. They can carry their home GiGstreem internet throughout your community wherever a receiver is installed.
How Can GiGHome Internet Benefit Property Managers?
Property Managers, like you, can see many benefits through providing GiGstreem internet to tenants. One service you can offer even before the tenant knows it is pre-installation. It does not take much for our company to come in and fit your building with unobtrusive internet in each dwelling. Then when you have a move-in, your tenant is already set up for internet service with just a phone call to GiGstreem. It then becomes our job to assist with internet service to tenants. And with our agreed ability to provide Community-Wide WiFi, you have an amenity that other properties do not provide tenants, increasing your retention rate.

Where is GiGstreem, and How Can We Help?
GiGstreem is available within communities in cities up and down the East Coast. We currently offer service in New York, New Jersey, Maryland, DC/Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida. We are growing and are now along the West Coast through California with a few dozen locations. Esplanade, Hillcrest Park, and Mira Monte are just a few of the newer communities set up for GiGHome internet services. This is only just the beginning.
Speaking of newer communities, GiGstreem is proud to announce that we are expanding our reach into new areas across the country. Our partnership with property owners like UDR has the potential to take us into new areas like Portland, Denver, and Nashville. Equity assists us in expanding into California’s Inland Empire and up the West Coast into Seattle, WA. Both relationships with Lerner on the east coast and Essex on the west allow us to further give internet services to property managers for their tenants.
GiGstreem Services for Tenants
GiGstreem provides tenants with speeds up to 1GiG symmetrical speeds. Symmetrical speeds mean upload and download speeds are equal. There will be no buffering circles when customers are trying to stream their favorite program or are broadcasting their latest Vlog. It is ideal for a home office where video conferencing is a must. And with the Summertime here, and everyone is on the TV and internet, customers will be relieved to know that with GiGstreem, data caps do not exist.
For the landlord, a host of options can help manage your property better. Internet of Things (IoT) technology can help manage building efficiency and security. It can provide a method of showing prospective tenants an apartment without you being present. “Touchless” self-guided tours are another benefit provided to GiGstreem Property Managers. We can help you set all of this technology up at installation.
How Can I Partner with GiGstreem Services?
If you live in an area where GiGstreem services are available, it is as simple as a phone call. We can begin the evaluation of your property for fast, reliable, and affordable internet service for your tenants. To learn more about taking your property to the next level through the GiGHome internet, give us a call at 800-747-1830 and speak with one of our installation expert representatives today. You, too, can become another one of GiGstreem’s satisfied property owners.