Riding the Hybrid Micro/Fiber Wave
Finding True Connectivity Amid a Sea of Internet Options
It doesn’t matter if you are living in a single-family home or working in a high-rise in the heart of the city. You want internet service that is reliable with a company you can trust. With so many choices out there, it is hard to weave through all the fluff of companies guaranteeing the best speeds or promising excellent service.
It is good to know about what services each company has to offer, but it is also wise to understand the technology behind those services. And the company that has this understanding and keeps with the flow of current technology, is the company that will be successful in retaining its customers. Right now, that cutting-edge technology is Hybrid Micro/Fiber.
The request seems simple, but the solution is more complex. With a wealth of options at their fingertips, customers in 2020 will demand personalization from their vendors.
They care way more about how you provide them your service or products than about the services or products themselves. This is true whether you are selling multifamily rentals in a downtown high-rise, launching a digital SasS or running a grass-fed beef farm.
Think about most sites you visit these days. There are live chatbots that pop up on your screen, interactive FAQ menus, instant video tutorials embedded on the page, hover-over tooltips. You name it. There is a tool for it, and it can answer your burning questions in mere minutes, or even seconds, after you have landed on a new website.
What is Hybrid Micro/Fiber Internet?
Micro/Fiber is a hybrid connection that enhances all the things internet users loved about a Fiber Optic connection. This combination significantly lowers latency: the delay between asking your internet connection to do something, and it’s acting on what you asked it to do. It also increases internet speed so users can keep up with the demands of services like video and music streaming.
Hybrid Micro/Fiber internet is unique. Instead of using the same pathways that every other internet service providers use, they use our own. This means faster speeds and better quality to the consumer. It provides a more stable, faster connection and when installed correctly, the weather will not bring about a disruption of service.

Residential Services
If you live in a single-family home, condo, townhouse, or an apartment, you trust the area you live in will have excellent internet service. A Hybrid Micro/Fiber connection provides residential service that is leagues above a standard Fiber only connection.
You’re a Hop, Skip, and a Jump from Your Internet Connection
One of the biggest complaints that residential customers for internet services is speed. Depending on where you live, you may not even be able to have a connection at all. The key to fast service is how many “hops” the line must go through to reach the internet. Most traditional internet service providers (ISPs) use dozens of these ‘hops’ between the line at your home to their hub that accesses the net. A great ISP would have a minimal amount of these ‘hops” so they can keep their customers happy and surfing at a faster pace than their competition. Micro/Fiber makes this higher speed possible.
Think of hybrid micro/fiber like the difference between driving and flying. When you drive, you are slowed down by traffic lights and other traffic that is on the highway. When you fly, you don’t have the other traffic slowing you down, and you move, or ‘hop,’ much faster to your destination.

Commercial Services
In addition to having a great connection at your home, you would expect an even better connection at your place of employment. Whether your businesses is a small start-up or a larger corporation, you want a service provider that has the ability to handle phone services, internet connection, Wi-Fi, and even Off-site event services. All with the same, and more often better, dedication and speeds that other Business ISPs offer.
Service Level Agreements are a Cut Above the Rest
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are contracts between the internet provider, and you, the user, that guarantees that the level of service listed is the level of service that is delivered. This level of service is measured by how reliable it is presented by a percentage. You desire a high SLA percentage for your home or business.
The GiGstreem Hybrid Micro/Fiber Difference
There is an Internet Service Provider that meets the ever-growing demands of the user. That company is GiGstreem. With a super-fast internet connection and an SLA of 99.99% reliability, they are a company that can be expected to deliver what they promise. With GiGstreem:
- You only have two “hops.” They eliminate the extra “hops” of other providers because they use their own lines. They are not sharing the bandwidth of phone and cable lines.
- You receive speeds from 150Mbs X 150Mps to 1Gbs X 1Gbs at a cost that is better than many popular ISPs. There is a package that will fit your needs as well as your budget.
- You also receive direct peering to streaming and cloud content providers. This is great for HD TV, Video and Movie Streaming; all with speeds that are up to 5 times faster and at prices that are less expensive than the competition.
GiGstreem provides Micro/Fiber Gigabit internet services to residences and businesses within Maryland, Virginia, DC, New York, and Florida.
Their carrier-class service has all the benefits of major carriers without any of the downsides:
- Direct Path to Major POP in your area.
- Direct Peering to major cloud content providers.
- Flexible user provisioned speeds from 10Mb to 10Gb.
Packages from 150Mbs X 150Mbs to 1000Mbs X 1000Mbs assure that your business, small or large, will find the services they need to keep their business running efficiently. You can save hundreds of dollars over the competition by choosing GiGstreem.
Whether you are a small business owner or part of a large corporation, a stay at home parent or you work from home, or you just enjoy surfing the web, there is a GiGstreem plan for you.
- No longer are you forced to purchase a bundle that includes services you don’t want or will never use. Our packages are designed for your wants and needs. You choose the service level you want. GiGstreem even offers Fiber options for those who are leery about Hybrid Micro/Fiber connection.
- No longer are you having to purchase expensive equipment to get higher tier services. Our hardware is installed into the wall socket. There are no usage fees, and Wi-Fi is included in your package.
- No longer are tied into long contracts and bombarded by exorbitant fees and taxes. You have one flat rate. Competitors draw you in with an irresistibly low rate; then they spring the news on you that you have to pay additional fees and taxes that can double that original ‘low rate.’
GiGstreem provides great 24/7 Customer service. Our customer reviews speak for themselves.
Residential customer John Landshof says, “Network service is outstanding, staying well above the service contract minimums on link bandwidth the ping times are excellent. I’m very much enjoying my new high-speed service! I am already recommending your service to friends in the area.”
Ali, a business owner who was working a Tech event for his business, says of the GiGstreem tech that assisted the event, “He went above and beyond his role to ensure the event was a success. He became more of a colleague than a vendor, staying later hours to make sure the job was done properly, even taking on additional roles for other vendors on-site. He was a real team player, as were the engineers GiGstreem provided.”
Even property owners are getting in on the services of GiGstreem for their tenants. “The service has performed as we had hoped and we are currently exploring using their services on many additional projects, both built and stabilized and currently under development. We are confident their services are adding value to both us as a landlord and the tenants we serve.”
Final Thoughts
Services available to you through GiGstreem will vary depending on many factors. To determine what is best for you, GiGstreem does need to evaluate the location you are inquiring about. This will help the service provider get you the package that best suits your needs without all the gimmicks. Best of all GiGstreem has:
- No hidden fees or taxes.
- No data caps.
- No forced contracts.
- No long-term obligation.
GiGstreem offers Super-Fast Gigabit services for Home and Businesses across Fiber and Wireless connections. They guarantee their Gigabit service is less expensive than any other Gigabit service currently in your building or community. If you live in within Maryland, Virginia, DC, New York, and Florida you now have an option for fast, affordable internet services. Contact one of our expert technicians to begin your road to internet heaven. They are available anytime, day or night.